
Tattoo Removal by Jayvo Scott

My Tattoo Removal Story- Melbourne Florida

For centuries people have been getting tattooed. Whether it be as a rite of passage, part of spiritual rituals, decoration, etc.., they used to be solely for a specific purpose. Nowadays people get tattooed more freely and sometimes don’t really think about their decisions before marking their bodies permanently. This is why I thank goodness for laser tattoo removal. I admittedly have made a mistake, ok maybe even a few, when it comes to body art that I wear. Well alright, a few may be an understatement, but have definitely made some bad choices.

At the age of eighteen I began getting tattooed and since then have gotten my share of cover ups due to not making sure I would like the content forever. Yes, forever. Tattoos are forever and sometimes I don’t think people realize that at the time of application. With the thrill of the moment, emotions running wild, and excitement being in the air, it’s easy to forget that what you’re doing is permanent. I too, have been guilty of this…

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Currently, I am almost finished with covering up my old unwanted tattoos, but there are a few bigger, stubborn ones that are difficult to cover. This is why I chose to get laser tattoo removal. By undergoing laser treatment, my tattoos have gotten much lighter and are much easier to cover with better ones.

I love tattoos and plan to keep getting them until I run out of space and with the help of laser, can get whatever I would like without having restrictions. Modern technology like the Picosure laser is ever evolving and laser tattoo removal has definitely come a long way. I’m extremely happy that it has because it benefits tattoo artists as well as their clients in being able to do cover ups with ease. It’s also beneficial for people who just don’t want a tattoo anymore, as the ink can be completely removed like it was never there.

Thank you Millefiori in Melbourne Florida, for enabling me to remove my tattoos and finally be happy getting new tattoos over previous mistakes.

Jayvo Scott

Picture of my Tattoo Removal with the Picosure Laser

after 2 duck

Iris Kelley

Iris Kelley

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