3 Tips for Happy Holiday Skin

My Favorite holiday is coming up quick! This is an exciting (and stressful) time for most people. You probably have so much to do and never enough time. It’s easy to put yourself last with gifts that need to be bought, food to make for guests, and decorations to put up!


Let’s face it, this has been a stressful year for everyone, so what better time to start putting yourself at the top of your Holiday Christmas list. Let’s get you looking and feeling better than ever to conquer the chaos. Here’s how:

Holiday @ Home Skin Care

Time to commit to that serum you’ve been holding off on. Once your skin has been evaluated by a professional, it’s easy to put together an effective, yet simple daily regimen. A cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and an anti-aging serum for your specific concerns, are really all you need. Make that your A.M and P.M self-care ritual and the difference will speak for itself.




Time to relax– How does that saying go again? “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. This rings especially true during the busy times of life.


Do yourself, and your loved ones a favor and fill your cup to the brim! Take that bubble bath, book the 90 minute facial (with extra massage), drink that glass of wine.

Holiday Glow Up

Get your glow on- Now if you’re really serious about impressing the guests and getting those “You  look so great!” comments, there’s nothing better than some advanced facials and treatments to give your skin an instant glow again. Something as simple as a dermaplaning facial a couple days before your work party will leave you glowing and even help your make-up to go on smooth and effortless.


We are here to make you look and feel your best this holiday season. Tuesday-Saturday


Till next time Melbourne!

Love the skin you’re in

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What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know the Millefiori team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our treatments and specialties.

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