Let’s Cool Down This Summer!

Stay Cool, My Friends

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Whoever said “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”, has never enjoyed the magic that is CO2 therapy during the sauna that is known as: Florida summer.


I moved here from Virginia and I am still trying to adjust to the heat and humidity here. Even if you were born and bred in the Florida heat, I guarantee you’re constantly on the hunt to find ways to cool down for the next oh…6 months or so?

Not only am I on the hunt to find ways to stay cool, my skin has also decided that it loves the Florida heat too…. NOT. My skin has said “Bye Felicia” and is doing its own thing at this point.

Acne popping up in areas I don’t usually worry about, excessive oil production, and I MEAN excessive. Ugh, yay summer! Summer in Florida really is a beautiful thing, however, trying to balance your skin during it can be a bit of a hassle.


Friends, I have found solace and *fingers crossed* the solution to my skincare concerns! Behold: Our Skinceuticals Micropeel! This bad mamma-jamma (I say bad in the BEST sense) is a 3-step peel, and I am quite positive I have fallen in love with it.

The 3 steps include Dermaplaning, the peel itself, and the cherry on top; CO2 therapy! Now, when I say this peel is customizable, I’m not joking. Unlike most of the beautiful souls out there, my skin actually does not tolerate Dermaplaning very well! For me, it actually makes me oilier.

Guess what- solution! My Medical Esthetician is able to work around that issue and offer me different options so that I’m still getting the most out of my peel.

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Step 2 of this peel is the peel itself- again, more options to choose from than your mix-in options at Cold Stone. The Medical Esthetician can choose how conservative or how aggressive you want to go on each peel! Every time you get one, you can do a different solution, it’s bananas!

But that’s another reason why I love our Micropeels here at Millefiori. Before we get to the grand finale I would like to point out, that although this is a peel, you STILL get your extractions! *happy dance*

Let’s Cool Down

Now, onto my favorite part of the peel, the thing that gives me and my skin life, CO2 therapy! When explaining this to patients, I have a few that get nervous and their mind automatically goes to a CO2 laser. Nope, not even in the same ball park, not even in the same zip code really. Woosah.

Our Medical Estheticians extract CO2 from a tank and basically turn it into a snowball, which just makes me smile. (Do you wanna build a snowman?)


Incorporating CO2 at the end of this treatment actually has many benefits. It helps to bring down any redness in the skin from the peel, it helps to close capillaries, and can temporarily reduce the redness of broken capillaries. The CO2 ball itself is anti-septic and anti-bacterial as well, so for clients that battle against bacterial acne, it helps to kill any bacteria that may linger on the surface of the skin after the extractions and peel are complete.

While I will stay on the hunt for ways to cool down this summer, I am most definitely adding this to my arsenal. Cooling down while ALSO helping my skin? Can’t beat that. Come see us and try it out for yourself- You’ll thank me later.


Stay beautiful (and cool) y’all!


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