Phytocorrective Mask Review

Phytocorrective Mask ReviewPhytocorrective mask

One of the favorite parts of my job is being a Guinea pig for new skincare treatments and products. Now sometimes I have made mistakes and given myself hives or glued my eye shut trying to adhere fake lashes, but sometimes I find a real gem. The new phytocorrective mask from skinceuticals is just that! I am a huge fan of the line in general and have been using their products for over 2 years. To put it modestly I am IN LOVE WITH SKINCEUTICALS.

This past month they just released a new product called the phytocorrective mask. To make sure that you all reading at home could get the full effect of how this product works, I did a trial on myself and took a few candid photos. Please don’t judge the mess in my bathroom in the background. Remember friends don’t judge. Lol.

Phytocorrective MaskSo what is the phytocorrective mask… It is an intense calming botanical mask to soothe reactivity on the skin. So in English that means it is a mask to cool the skin, bring down inflammation, and restore hydration. It can be used after skin treatments such as laser or micro-needling to help with redness. It can also be used to calm skin after too much retinol use, sun exposure, chlorine or salt water, or dry weather from traveling. Here is a picture of me right after the gym with my pink, hot skin.

The mask can be applied in 2 different ways. You can use it as a traditional mask where you apply a thin layer to the skin and leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then remove. Or you can also apply a thin layer, let it dry and leave on the skin all day for more benefits. The mask is a mix of botanicals (think: cucumber, thyme, olive), calming dipeptides to reduce heat, and one of my fav ingredients hyaluronic acid, which restores hydration and plums the skin. Here is a picture of me with the mask applied.


If the skin is red and hot, like me after the gym, it is best to remove with a cold towel. This is a trick that Ashley our medical aesthetician pm3taught me, to use a cold towel to remove products to help with inflammation. Per her advice I always keep a damp towel in my fridge. It is awesome for these hot summer months. Check out the pic in my fridge, don’t mind that the towel is next to an ear of corn and cucumber.


This skinceuticals phytocorrective mask has been a life saver for me after morning workouts. Before this product I was having to use excessive makeup to cover my redness. Now after 15mins with the mask my redness is almost completely gone. Once you have this product on hand I am sure you will find lots of other uses. For example, in my house I have also used this on my husband’s back to calm the inflammation, heat, and swelling after getting a tattoo. The possibilities are endless. Thanks skinceuticals for another home run product. Here is a final pic post mask with no makeup, I even look happier lol!

Phytocorrective Mask

If you have any questions about this or any of the skinceuticals products don’t hesitate to call the office for a complimentary skincare consultation at 321-821-4778.

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