Spa Facial- A Man’s POV

Spa Facial- Melbourne Fl

Growing up in Melbourne Florida I was always outside. Playing basketball, soccer, fishing, or surfing: I was a boy at heart and grew up thinking the world of aesthetics was only for women. It took me 28 years to figure out how wrong I was…..

Spa Facials are one of the world’s wonders, especially with Ashley at Millefiori.DSC_0011 (2)

As with most guys I do not like people touching my face or entering my space. However after my first spa facial I was hooked!! For the guys let me try and explain what a spa facial actually entails.

What I did not know is that a spa facial is an hour of feeling like you are in heaven. The most relaxing hour you will have all month will be with Ashley at Millefiori in DownTown Melbourne. There are different masks’ you will receive depending on your skin. I have dry skin from being out in the sun so I always get a hydrating mask. The mask is not just placed on your face it is gently massage all around your face.

After the face massage it is time to say goodnight for fifteen minutes while Ashley gives you a hot towel hand and foot massage. Best nap you will ever have is during a spa facial. Ashley also says that falling asleep is best compliment she can receive.

She will perform extractions, which is removing of any black heads that may be clogging your pores. This is painless and makes your skin healthy. She also uses a corrective serum for the skin to improve overall quality and feel to the skin.

I always wondered why women love longer than men, well I think I found out. Women know how to pamper themselves. Whether it is a spa facial or a massage they know how to take care of themselves better than most men. Guys take it from me, if you have not tried a spa facial with Ashley do yourselves a favor and get one immediately at Millefiori in Downtown Melbourne Florida. Call 321-821-4778 TODAY!!



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01. Get to know the Millefiori team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our treatments and specialties.

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