Tattoo Removal for Your Dream Job

Can’t Get Your Dream Job? That Tattoo Can Be Holding You Back!


You could say that I have become the patron saint of adults waking up with permanent souvenirs from younger drunken days and love affairs gone wrong. I remove what should be permanent ink in the form of laser tattoo removal with the PicoSure system.

About a third of the patients that we see at Millefiori are getting Tattoo Removal due to potential job opportunities. It may not be fair, but we live in a society that still judges a book by its cover. Unfortunately, tattoos are still not accepted in the work place. You may be the perfect applicant for a job but if there is a company policy of no tattoos, then it is a pretty black and white issue that is hard to get around. Me personally I love tattoos. I have one visible one on my wrist. Luckily I am my own boss and it does not affect my job. Others are not so lucky. In a recent corporate survey by 60% of employers said they were less likely to hire a candidate with visible tattoos and piercings.

Tattoos in general are becoming more prevalent, about 20% of the population has ink, that’s about 45 million people. That is a lot of beautiful artwork walking around on human canvas but that also means horrible tattoos performed in a dirty kitchen.

There are many ways to try and “hide” tattoos. This may work for some jobs but in some instances, such as certain branches of the military, they refuse to look past the ink. You are unable to enlist with ANY visible tattoos! At this point, the best solution offered is laser tattoo removal. That is where you will meet me and my fancy PicoSure machine. The PicoSure is my baby, it even has a name “Henry”. Me and Mr. PicoSure have a pretty good reputation for what we do. picosure_beauty_shad_med_hr

Lasers tattoo removal has come a long way in the past few years. With the new PicoSure system at Millefiori we can honestly say that we can remove that unwanted ink. It takes about 4-6 sessions depending on the colors and location. The treatments are spaced 6 weeks apart. There is a little downtime for outdoor sports and the beach but otherwise it’s a pretty simple process. The main question that I always get asked is “does it hurt?” The simple answer “yes”. But, we can make it comfortable with ice and numbing cream. Once patients finish treatment they ALL say the pain was worth it to remove the unwanted tattoo. The PicoSure works well on darker ink such as blue, green, and purple which were hard to remove prior to this new technology. The PicoSure also have little to no risk of scarring to the skin. This is a huge advantage to some of the other methods such as creams and tattoo solutions into the skin that can damage and permanently scar the skin. Price is determined by size, you can pay each time you come in for a session or do a package up-front which gives you an unlimited amount of treatments. Our goal is to provide the best technology and outcome and still at an affordable price.


So no matter what ink your regretting you should give us a call at Millefiori in Downtown Melbourne for Laser tattoo Removal with the PicoSure. We would love to schedule you a complimentary consultation to determine your specific needs based on your ink. Call today to schedule your consultation at 321-821-4778.


Till next time Melbourne
Love the skin you’re in! 

Iris Kelley, PA-C 

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01. Get to know the Millefiori team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our treatments and specialties.

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