The #2 Lesson Learned- Makeup Application

Why the holidays require a change in your makeup application

Have you ever done your own makeup application for an event? A friends wedding, charity events, and holiday cards are times that the “day makeup” is not enough. You’ll notice when you take pictures, your makeup doesn’t show up or there is a white halo reflected off your face, but why? When you get your makeup professionally done, the makeup looks so good and clear in your pictures, how?


The following are a few secrets for you to use over the holiday season, whether for your Christmas pictures, holiday parties, or just a little extra snazzy for a night out on the town.

makeup application
The final product following your makeup application.


Avoid SPF in foundation for times you know photos will be taken. SPF is a great product to have in your foundation or moisturizer on any everyday basis. It guarantee’s daily protection without having to think about it. As necessary as it is for a daily use, skip the SPF including products for special events and photo days. The ingredients that create the sun protection creates a white halo when the flash is used. The white halo is the flash bouncing back into the camera and will give a washed out look for not only you, but other people close in proximity.


This is even including when you layer in top of the SPF, and includes sunscreens and sunblocks. The halo can sometimes be removed if you have photoshop or another layer driven photo program, but is near impossible when using common equipment like a phone or iPad. Luckily, most of our get-togethers are in the evenings during the season 🙂


The effects of photo-flaskback


Apply your makeup like normal, and then do it again. I know this sounds weird, but you need DOUBLE the amount of everything for it to show on camera. This includes everything, foundation, blush, even mascara!

My secret

My closest friends know my favorite secret of applying eyes first to eliminate the drop shadow issue on the cheek, so start there first. Apply your base shadows then contouring shadows. Then repeat. Apply your eyeliner for both upper and lower, then reapply. Certain mascara’s do not reapply well, so check with your manufacturer – fiber building mascara’s are part of this group (nobody likes clumped mascara or the three lash look!).


Separate foundation

Make sure to have a separate foundation without a SPF for special event use. A cream foundation, no matter the skin type, is my go-to for special event application. It gives amazing coverage, can be mattified with a setting powder for oily clients, and stays on for hours! For dryer skin types, a cream blush is a better choice and will stay on longer.


Lip treatment

Lips should ALWAYS be lined, then filled with liner, then lipstick and gloss can be applied. The lip liner was a trick I learned while in NYC, training with Eve Pearl, the makeup artist who heads up Saturday Night Live and The Today Show makeup department. It not only gives a base for your products to stick to, but gives more pigment to show up for photos. Remember, even though this is the red lipstick season, dark pigment lipsticks make the lips look smaller, so if you have small lips like me, apply a pink or nude stick, then top with a dark red or purple gloss, giving the illusion of larger lips with the color.


Thoughts on sparkles

Avoid sparkles if your over 12. We all like a little glitter for the glamorous holiday season, but glitter and sparkles should not be on your face. First of all, it creates havoc on your flash and what will be accentuated on film. The sparkly eye shadow will close your eyes and may even accentuated creases in the lid and corner. If you love sparkles and cannot imagine life without a little glitz, find a frosted lip-gloss. This will at least contour to a lighter color and make your lips look larger – who doesn’t want larger lips under the mistletoe?


lip treatment
A well done lip treatment.



Moral to this lesson

The moral to this story is, everyday makeup can be transferred to evening or special event, you just need to modify some things. You can always go to a professional makeup artist to have your makeup done, but it’s always good to know how to do your own in a pinch.


As important as makeup can be for your photos, a solid foundation of good skincare is a must for anyone.


I always gave my brides and high profile clients a mask to use the night before application, would usually do a facial a week before their special event, and would ensure they had a good eye cream and moisturizer to wear the day-of as a base for my work. If you do not have proper skincare as a base your makeup will never stand out. Not sure what steps to take for healthier skin…


That is where Millefiori is here to help. From our spa facials to chemical peels we will get your skin healthy and glowing in no time!! 

Questions on skincare and esthetic services that will prep your skin for the holiday season? Book a complimentary consultation at Millefiori so we can answer all your questions and address your skincare concerns at (321) 821-4778.

Till next time Melbourne!

Love the skin you’re in!


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