Medical Spa

Happy, young woman holding her face and smiling after receiving a DiamondGlow facial for fresher, rehydrated skin

From Dull to Radiant: How DiamondGlow Restores Your Skin’s Glow

Is dull, tired-looking skin keeping you from feeling your best? It’s easy to feel frustrated when your complexion doesn’t match your vibrant energy. Thankfully, there’s a solution designed to restore your natural radiance: DiamondGlow. At Millefiori Aesthetics in Melbourne, FL, co-owner Iris Graham, an NCCPA board-certified physician assistant with over a decade of experience in aesthetic medicine, […]

From Dull to Radiant: How DiamondGlow Restores Your Skin’s Glow Read More »


My Kybella Experience

Have you ever heard of an injection to permanently get rid of fat cells? Well you have now that you’re reading this! Kybella is an FDA approved injection used in the sub mental region (or as we like to call, the double chin) to permanently get rid of fat cells. Jawline You Always Wanted Kybella

My Kybella Experience Read More »

Schedule a Consultation

What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know the Millefiori team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our treatments and specialties.

“Jasmine and Candace were amazing with my lip filler. They worked together in sync and took their time to perfect everything. I would highly recommend this place and to see Jasmine you will be so happy with your results.”


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